Monday, July 18, 2011

SealFit, The Aftermath

I got everything I expected from my first SealFit workout! It was 2 hours by the time I finished, and it wrecked me for the rest of the day which was completely expected. The first of the three workouts wasn't so bad. It was 21-15-9 of wallball and push ups. That one only took me 5 minutes. It took me 54 minutes and 34 seconds to complete the 5 rounds of 1,000 meter row, 20 power cleans and 20 front squats at 115 lbs. each. The 3 mile run at the end was the hardest part. For the first mile and a half my body was cramping, and seizing up, then it finally realized I wasn't going to stop and gave up. After that, the run became signifigantly easier and I cruised all the way into the gym. I spent the rest of the day trying to re-hydrate and re-fuel. I also did a little bit of filming with some bmxers that I am sponsoring through Never Die. I'm actually not feeling as sore as I thought, and I will be back on my normal training schedule tomorrow! It was a great experiance and I can't wait to do the next one! Here is the final episode of SealFit, enjoy!

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