Monday, November 5, 2012

Yeah Baby, 2 Weeks

Oh man, it's been a long time coming. The Furious Fundraiser is only 2 weeks away. I was ready to rock and roll a month ago! Don't worry dear readers. It's all good. Why is that? Because I am crushing everything in my path right now. Everything. In my path.

Way back in the day (spring) I lost about 20 lbs. of body weight. As I lost the weight, I lost a lot of strength as well. My back squat went down from 325 to 315. It was very upsetting. The biggest loss was my deadlift. That poor bastard went down from 400 lbs. to 365. Gross. This is right around the time that we started following CrossFit New England's competition team programming. Since that time, I have gained 5 lbs. with my body fat being roughly the same. My metabolic conditioning has shot completely through the roof. And yes, you guessed it folks, my much beloved strength has returned. Not only has it returned, it has grown as much as my conditioning. I am pleased to say that my backsquat has not only come back, it has surpassed my previous pr and gone up 20 lbs. to a much appreciated 345 lbs.! I've been fired up for over a month now and I'm only getting stronger and faster. I'm looking forward to this test to see what I'm capable of.

The best part about this years Furious Fundraiser is the team format. I have a perfect teammate for battle. His name is Ryland and together we will conquer anything and everything. I'm really excited for this competition. More as a test to see how far I've come. Don't worry my friends, I will keep it real and keep you updated.