Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last Comp of the Year!

Hey everybody! I have my last competition of 2011 coming up this weekend! I'm really excited and really nervous. They sent us an email telling us the schedule for the events of the day and what the first WOD is. The first WOD is named after a friend of the CrossFit community named Lauriel Luther who was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this year. This entire comp is to raise money to help pay for her medical expenses. The WOD is as follows.

23 deadlifts 155 lbs.
23 handstand push ups.
23 back squats 155 lbs.
23 burpees
23 ground to overhead 155 lbs.

Here is a video I made from the last fundraising event that was held for Lauriel. Here is a link to her story if you are interested in learning more about this amazing woman. 

I am really nervous because my handstand push ups tend to fall apart pretty quickly. I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself because I want to perform really well because this comp is at my home gym. I know that the adrenaline will carry me through the handstand push ups, but I am nervous none the less. Either way, I'm ready to do work and leave everything out on the floor! I know I've posted this video multiple times but here it is again. Game Time!

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