Sunday, June 10, 2012


I want to start this post by saying I can't stand the word "Paleo". It drives me crazy. One of the common occurrences in the CrossFit community is newer athletes trying the Paleo diet. They start asking if this is Paleo or if that's Paleo. For instance, we were gathering at a local restaurant called Busters. One of the newer athletes was there with us blabbing on and on about how Paleo everything is. She orders a steak with veggies and a Diet Coke. Diet Coke is not Paleo.

Ok, now that I got that off my chest, I can commence with the rest of this post. I know your asking yourself "I wonder what this guy is eating?""How did he change his diet for the nutrition challenge?" Well let me tell you. I started off by becoming really good friends with black coffee. That is a huge step for me. Next step is to cut out all sugar. The next thing to go is dairy. The final step is cutting out anything and everything that has to do with wheat or flour. This includes breads, pastas, tortillas and things of that nature. Essentially, it's the Paleo diet. But as I stated in the previous paragraph, I can't stand that word. I just call it eating healthier.

I just realized that I haven't answered the real question. What am I eating? The answer is fruit, veggies, meat, nuts, and seeds. I have been using my crock pot quite a bit. Crock pots are exactly how I need to cook. I put stuff in there. I go about my day. I come home and eat it. It's the best invention ever. Here is one of my favorite recipes from one of my favorite websites. Here is the recipe for the fine meal I will be having this evening. I follow this website quite a bit. One of the best things about it is that it has a treats page in order to satisfy your sweet tooth in the healthiest way possible. My favorite treat thus far is the sweet potato brownies. I assure you they are fantastic. One of my new favorite treats is 2-3 spoonfuls of almond butter, poor a little bit of coconut milk in there, stir it up and add blue berries. Its pretty fantastic. If I eat out, I eat a lot of salads. Most restaurants have just chicken or steak and they will allow you to have extra veggies for your sides.

There you have it. I have been cooking a lot as you can see. I used to think I didn't have time. But the great Ryron Gracie said,"If you don't have time to cook, all you have to do is stop doing something else." I'm not going to lie, I feel pretty fantastic right now. I have allowed myself some cheat days so I can enjoy a cup of coffee and some of life's simple pleasures such as pasta or pizza. However, I am going to make a serious effort to keep the ball rolling on this lifestyle change. The hardest part is the holidays. And they are coming up quick. Enjoy the recipes!

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