Wednesday, March 21, 2012

CrossFit Open Workout 12.4

This head cold couldn't have come at a worse time. It was one of those head colds where the inside and the outside of your head and face are completely consumed by mucus. That in itself is no fun. And this workout made it significantly less fun. I was able to wait until the tail end of the head cold to complete this workout.

The workout was as follows. 150 wall ball with a 20 pound ball. 90 double unders with a jump rope. And 30 muscle ups. You were only allowed 12 minutes to complete as much of these movements as you could. Let me tell you, I wanted to get to the muscle ups. Bad. Really bad. But alas, I did not. I made it through all 90 double unders with only milli seconds to spare. I am happy with the result. As a result of the head cold, I was fatigued immediately and couldn't breath properly even sooner then that. I missed my old PR of 150 wall ball by only 10 seconds or so. All in all, I'm pleased with my performance. The final workout of the CrossFit Open will be announced this evening. I'm excited to complete the Open and resume my normal training schedule. I'll let you guys know how it goes. Below is a video of Neal Maddox and Jason Kahlipa completely destroying this workout. Enjoy!

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